Véronique of Kirld Ground Castle

vÉronique of kirld ground castle

Pedigree - Title(s) * Litter(s)


Sharon & Nicquy
Mummy’s best of course, Nicquy and Sam were littermates.


But Sharon had a special feeling for Nicquy.





Not only Sharon, but also Nicquy, was always looking for mummy.


Nicquy had a special presence, even among many others she was the eye catcher.

Véronique of Kirld Ground Castle

She was shown in Luxembourg as a youngster and got the title of Youth champion, than in Austria where she got the youth European champion and in France where she was best youth of the Club Breed Show.

Véronique of Kirld Ground Castle

Shortly after she became Luxembourg champion out of intermediate class and so we entered her in Germany at the Bundessieger, but she wasn’t able to attempt this big show as between the Club Breed Show in France and mid October she developed a lymph sarcoma and died on November 8th.


Véronique of Kirld Ground Castle

Véronique of Kirld Ground Castle



Véronique of Kirld Ground Castle




Véronique of Kirld Ground Castle

12.06.1998 - 08.11.2000

Teddy of Kirld Ground Castle Lorbas von den Sarrazenen Demian von den Sarrazenen Zeno von der Oelmühle
Norrigu von den Eichelwiesen
Aoibhell von den Sarrazenen Ben Babaloo von den Eichelwiesen
Faye von den Eichelwiesen
Princess Sammy of Kirld Ground Castle Nash from the Good Heath Oelmühle Anton
Karla from the Good Heath
Daireen von den Sarrazenen Zeno von der Oelmühle
Norrigu von den Eichelwiesen
Sharon von den Sarrazenen Eoghan von den Sarrazenen Zeno von der Oelmühle Quite Good von der Oelmühle
Solstrand Lady Grey
Faye von den Eichelwiesen Ard Ri Gillie
Ard Ri Beaulah
Norrigu von den Eichelwiesen Drummond von den Eichelwiesen Ard Ri Aloha
Ard Ri Beaulah
Cathleen von den Eichelwiesen Shamrock Eery-Exorcist
Amity of Cochara

Ch. Luxembourg - Lux. Junior - Youth European Champion

Duerfstrooss 40 • L-9759 Knaphoscheid • Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Tel. 00 352 92 15 37 • Fax 00 352 26 91 33 53 • email