Photographer © Vanessa Grossemy
At my home are currently just two Irish Wolfhounds.
Joy is a mature bitch now with lots of qualities that gives us so much love.
Lou has grown into a beautiful young lady always very proud in the showring that makes often lough the judges.
At Rani's home are Ozzy and his little friend Ticky, a 14 years old poodle.
Elsa had a very special wish for her great love Howard, he is born as a Luxembourger and she wants him to stay a Luxembourger. That's why I'am co-owner of this lovely boy, and his owner co-breeder.
For more info, click on the pictures on the right side.
But there are also Belle our Airedale, Menneken and Mimy our cats and our two donkeys.
Belle is the one always looking for mischief, trying to find someone for playing, digging, chasing or just watching the donkeys. But most of the times Belle and Joy are having fun together. If you find one, the other is her shadow.
Sometimes they play with the cats and they love it.
Sometimes also they just sit there and look at the donkeys.
The best is when family comes to visit us, than Lou, Joy and Belle are happy always take the visitors for a long walk in the forest just to show them their favourite places for running.
They also like to take them out in the garden, proudly showing the newest hole they were digging and all the branches they are carrying from one part to the other.
Duerfstrooss 40 • L-9759 Knaphoscheid • Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Tel. 00 352 92 15 37 • Fax 00 352 26 91 33 53 • email